Sunday, January 20, 2019

بلھے شاہ

پڑھ پڑھ عالم فاضل ہویا
کدے اپنڑے آپ نوں پڑھیا نہیں

جا جا وَڑدا مسجداں مندراں اندر
کدے مَن اپنے وچ وَڑیا ای نہیں

ایویں روز شیطان نال لڑدا 
کدی نفس اپنڑے نال لڑیا ای نہیں

بُلھے شاہ اسمانی اُڈدیاں پھَڑدا ایں
جہڑا کہر بیٹھا اونوں پھڑیا ای نہیں 

You read so many books to become knowledgable,
yet you fail to ever read your own heart

Over and over you run towards temples and mosques;
would you dare to enter the shrine of your soul?

You are quick to attack Satan,
but pride is a battle you have not yet won

Bulleh Shah, you try to grab that which is in the sky,
when you've never gotten ahold of what is inside of you

(via my father)

1 comment:

  1. Love the first two lines. Does your father also write poetry?
