I was lucky enough to spend the new year in Jerusalem. Crossing the border was a lot easier than expected (in fact it was probably an easier process for me than re-entering the US, where I was born...) and mostly everyone we encountered at the border and in Israel was very kind.
The architecture of the haram there is pretty spectacular and very different, and I am very glad I was able to visit. But... what I saw was kind of horrifying. I hope I can visit again so I have little to say. But what I find even more horrifying is that so many people visit and live in the area and see no problem, or think that it is justified. I don't think I can brush it off any longer.
I was surprised that there is much less security, checkpoints, and less of a military presence in the areas I visited than Pakistan. I guess this says something about Pakistan, haha.
I was reminded of one of my favorite poems by Mahmoud Darwish (which is probably more aggressive than what I would like to reference when I mention Jerusalem but relax it is just a poem):
Write down:
I am an Arab
You stole the meadows of my ancestors and a land I used to cultivate
Together with all my children
You didn’t leave to us or to my offspring
Anything—except these rocks
So will your government take them away as well, as it’s been announced
In that case
Write down
On top of the first page:
“I don’t hate people, and I don’t steal from anyone
But… If I starve, I will eat
The flesh of my oppressor
So beware, beware of my hunger and rage”
انا عربي
سُلبت كروم اجدادي وارضا كنت افلحها
انا وجميع اولادي
فلم تترك لنا ولكل احفادي
… سوى هذي الصخور
فهل ستأخذها حكومتكم… كما قيلا؟
:برأس الصفحة الاولى
انا لا أكره الناس، ولا أسطو على أحد”
ولكني … اذا ما جعت،
آكل لحم مغتصبي
“حذار… حذار… من جوعي ومن غضبي
You know, I had a very good friend in high school who, at the end of tenth grade, moved back with her family to the... region. We exchanged emails in order to keep in touch but high school was so busy that I never emailed her. In 2014, I emailed her but didn't hear back. I had kind of forgotten about this but, when I was being driven through Madaba, I saw someone who looked exactly like her through the car window.
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