Sunday, December 16, 2018

Agha Shahid Ali's Homage to Faiz

“You are welcome to make your
adaptations of my poems.”

You wrote this from Beirut, two years before
the Sabra-Shatila massacres. That
city’s refugee-air was open, torn
by jets and the voices of reporters. As
always you were witness to “rains of stones,”

though you were away from Pakistan, from
the laws of home which said that the hands of
thieves would be surgically amputated.
But the subcontinent always spoke to

Corporate Metaphors That I Hate (AKA A Summary of My Life Since July)

  • "[there are different ways to] skin the cat" -- shudder
  • anything about moving cheese 
  • "Let's take a step back." 
    • honorable mention after I've had to hear it 500x a day 
  • "sniff test"
  • The Kimono Metaphor
This will be a working list.