Saturday, January 25, 2014

What the state of my work has been reduced to after four months:

I feel like if I keep staring at it, eventually the blemishes will disappear. This is on "butter paper" (what it's called in Pakistan, and a very literal name) which I'm still finding highly inconvenient to use because the ink takes a very long time to dry and doesn't absorb evenly. Hopefully, since I plan to be operating on a normal class schedule again this semester, I'll have more time to practice on it since the other kind of paper I have..."egg paper" (why are these papers named after foods? Butter paper feels like the paper used to wrap butter, and egg paper is made shiny with egg whites) is running out.

There's an art history seminar on Islamic calligraphy being offered this semester but, as fate would have it, it conflicts with other classes I have to take. So, I suppose I'll be continuing my calligraphy study again in the summer...with lots of practice before then. I've hardly saved time to practice since August (not to mention I did absolutely no calligraphy during the spring semester)...and had very little time for poetry as well (reading--never writing). To a better year in 2014!